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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
N NAVKAR +buildings 37
NABISCO +buildings 30
NABISCO nasta +buildings 30
NAGAEE +buildings 36
NAJHA BUILDERS +buildings 37
buildings 35
buildings 36
NAV JEEVAN +buildings 6
NAVJEEVAN +buildings & feet 37
NB DEVELOPER +buildings arc 36, 37
NEAR CITY GROUP +buildings 37
NETLINE +buildings 35
NEW HOUSES +buildings 34
NIGHT CLUB +buildings 16
NIGHT IN london +buildings 3
NILA +buildings & squares 16, 19, 36, 37
NINE HILLS +buildings & arc 36, 37
NINJA PANDAV +buildings 38, 41
NIPPCO XL PLUS +buildings 2
NIRMAN +buildings 19
NITCO PLYWOOD +buildings 35
NITON +buildings 35, 38
NITYA HOMES +buildings 36
NKCM DEVELOPERS +buildings 36, 37
NNC +buildings 16
NRG +buildings & square 16
NSPL +buildings 37
NUSHAR +buildings & sun 32
NUSHAR +sun & buildings 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
NY NEELYOG +sun & buildings 37
NYC.PIE +buildings star ova 43
O CALCUTTA +buildings 42
OAKTREE +buildings 42
OKD +arc & buildings 36
OLD MILL rum +buildings 33
OM ASSOCIATES +buildings ar 36
OMISHA GROUP +buildings 36, 42
OMR REALTY +buildings 36, 37
ONDAS DO MAR +buildings tre 43
ONE group +buildings 36
buildings 3
OPERA cement +buildings 19
buildings 31
PANJOS BUILDERS +buildings 37
PARADISO +trees & buildings 36, 37
PARAKHIYA GROUP +buildings 37
PARAMPARA +buildings 3
PARAMPARA +man & buildings 3
PARDESI GROUP +buildings 37
buildings 1
PBD +buildings & tree 37
PC POWER cement +buildings 19
PC pvt. ltd. +buildings 37
PEACE HOMEZ +buildings arro 37
PINAKIN +buildings 37
PINK CITY +buildings 30
buildings 36, 37
POLAD cement +buildings 19
POLITE GROUP +buildings arc 37
POLYGEL +buildings 1
buildings 36
POPCORN BUILDERS +buildings 37
POWER cement +buildings arc 19
PRANISH +buildings 42
PRAVIN BUILDTECH +buildings 19
PRINCE GOLD +buildings arcs 19
PROJECT ply +buildings oval 19
PROPERTY AFFAIRE +buildings 35, 41
PROPERTY BASKET +buildings 36, 37
PROPERTY BAZAAR +buildings 36
buildings 36, 41
PROPSTACK +buildings & arc 36
PROSPECT GROUP +buildings 36
PROTECH +buildings 41
PROTECH +buildings & arc 19
PRUTHVI cement +buildings 19
PURAVANKARA +buildings 19, 37
PVP +buildings 36, 37, 41, 42
PWIMS +circle & buildings 42
PWIMS +oval & buildings 9
Q BIRLA WHITE +buildings 19
QHPL +buildings & circles 37
QHPL +buildings & ovals 36
QUANTUM +buildings & oval 35, 36, 37
buildings 19
RADHA KEM +buildings 2
RADHA KRISHNA +buildings 42
RADHIKA GROUP RG +buildings 42
RAGHULEELA +buildings 36, 37, 41
RAJ homes +buildings 37
RAMA ESTATE RE +buildings 36
RAMRAJ +buildings 24, 25
RAMRAJ LAGNAA +buildings 24
RCBS REALTY +buildings 37
RCD +buildings arc & sun 36
REA SINCE 1981 +buildings 36
REAL BUILD +buildings & tic 2, 6, 9, 16, 19, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45
REALITY SUNTAFI +buildings 37
REALTY EXPO 2008 +buildings 35, 41
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